Friday, October 9, 2015

Your Tricks and Favorite Treats

Last night y'all. Everything was happening last night. Grey's Anatomy, Scandal, HTGAWM, Bones, Blacklist...thank goodness for weekends, fall breaks, otherwise I only catchup during the summer. And let's be honest #icantwait 'til then.

Anyways, inspiration struck and I decided to print up a small batch of Halloween Carols for me (and a few of my friends). How cute are they?!

Also, has anyone else encountered tons of broken candy corn? AND since I'm all about ratios how about some #realliferatioproblems. Since ratios, proportions, and percents are my LIFE right now...everything is a ratio, proportion, and percent problem!

6 full pieces : 11 broken pieces in one handful. How sad. But on the flip side--the broken ones had to be eaten. So it's a pretty happy deal.

Anyways, I hope your weekend has only tricks that you've planned and treats you'll enjoy! Happy Friday friends!

Over and Out!

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